
The All Inclusive of Paratyworld incorporates Wellness: postural hygiene, yoga and nutrition

Daniel Romero
Todo Incluido Paratyworld
Paratyworld's All Inclusive continues to expand. First came the English classes, then the free buffet and, now, wellness:

  1. Postural Hygiene and Health Talks

  2. Nutrition Cabinet

  3. Yoga Sessions

  4. Techniques to reduce stress

Anyone who doesn't want to work here is because they don't know what they want. And we have reached an agreement with LiluontheMat Yoga & Nutrition , led by Lidia Cruzado , a professional like the top of a pine who, below, explains to us the benefits provided by the well-being package that she makes available to the entire team. .

Without health there is no Paraty, by Liluonthemat

Postural hygiene, physical activity, correct management of stress and anxiety significantly influence all aspects of our lives. And ironically, in these times when health and well-being are so fashionable, there are very few who really put it into practice.

Because it seems that almost no one has time. Not to eat, not to do some physical activity, not to take care of your health. That's why Paratyworld wanted to promote healthy living habits, in the place where each of us spends the most time. In our work.

We want to show the team how to take care of their health. We want to take care of them through the management of nutritional information, answering all their doubts and concerns. Teaching them what dietary habits are most appropriate for their different needs and pace of life. What they can and should eat to keep their body and mind strong, active and above all happy.

Through the management of ergonomics and postural hygiene we want to prevent future injuries due to repetitive movements that often lead many professionals to costly and tedious injuries to the shoulder, neck or spine, among many other areas of the body.

At Liluonthemat we offer Paratyworld teams the possibility of keeping their bodies strong with group therapeutic exercise and yoga sessions. Where you can free your joints, exercise and strengthen your muscles, and focus your minds and breathing after your day.

And furthermore, as we know how difficult it is today, to stay calm within this noise and rush that is everyday life, through the practice of breathing techniques based on meditation, yoga and sophrodynamics, we want Offer the staff tools for the correct management of their emotions. We show them how to manage stressful situations or how to channel anxiety.

Because we want to take care of them. Because without health there is no Paraty, because if we take care of them, we also take care of those around them. This well-being has an impact on your productivity and, ultimately, it will be your clients, the hotels, who end up benefiting.

Logo LiluontheMat Yoga & Nutrition

Lidia Cruzado


☆ Dietitian

☆ UMA Physiotherapy

☆ Expert in Yoga and Nutrition for Autoimmune Diseases

☆ Courses and Training
